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Can You Replace Your Auto Glass Yourself?

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In today’s fast-paced world, people are always trying to save time. And in times like these, where everyone is trying to avoid going anywhere that isn’t absolutely necessary to try and avoid the pandemic, everything that can wait usually is. But one thing that shouldn’t wait is your car’s windshield. If you have a small crack or a ding in your car window, it can be tempting to leave it alone and tell yourself you’ll fix it later; if you do that, over time it’ll spread to the whole window and you’ll need a full auto glass replacement. Read More»

Is Your Car's Auto Glass Repairable?

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When dealing with damage to a windshield or another piece of auto glass, there is always the question of whether repairs can be done or if it’s time to go for a full-on replacement. If you’re in such a situation, here’s what you need to know before you contact a glass repair services provider. Size Matters A rough rule of thumb is that almost any type of damage you can cover with a quarter may be repairable. Read More»

3 Reasons Not To Delay Replacing Your Damaged Windshield

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Do you have a vehicle with a damaged windshield? Are you thinking that you’ll take care of it later after you’ve handled other things? Compared to various other expenses, a windshield that is cracked or chipped often has a much lower priority when it comes time to decide what to pay for and when. While this may be fine for a short period of time, there are a number of reasons why you should prioritize getting your windshield repaired or replaced as soon as you can. Read More»

Cracked Windshield? Why You Should Leave The Repair To The Pros

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If you have a cracked windshield it is important that you get it repaired quickly. This is even true if the crack is small as there are many factors that can cause the crack to become much larger. There are DIY repair kits that you can purchase to fix the crack on your own. Instead of this, however, you should leave the repair up to the pros. Below are four reasons why you should do this, so you can get your windshield repaired. Read More»

Answers For 2 Common Car Window Tint Questions

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Having your car windows tinted can help reduce the sun’s glare, heat and fading caused by UV rays in your car’s interior. This article will look at common concerns you may be having about your car window tint to help you take better care of it and hopefully prolong its lifespan.  What is the proper way to clean car window tint? Just because your car windows are tinted doesn’t mean you should stop cleaning them. Read More»

3 Changes To Make Before Selling A Car

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After you make the decision to sell your car, you want to do everything possible to get the right price for it. Although it might seem counterintuitive to put more money into your car when you’re trying to sell it, making certain repairs can actually increase the price tag for your car. Before selling your car, here are some repairs you should consider making.  Windshield Your car’s windshield is most likely the first item that a potential buyer notices. Read More»

How To Care For Your Cracked Windshield Until You Can Get It Repaired

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The last thing you want to hear when driving down the road is the audible ‘ting’ of a rock or other debris hitting your windshield. The tiny spider web crack can (and often does) turn into a long crack that can obscure your vision and make your windshield susceptible to shattering at the slightest pressure. If you can’t get your windshield repaired or replaced by a reliable auto glass replacement specialist right away, you need to take care of your auto glass until you can. Read More»

Why You Shouldn't Drive Around With A Cracked Windshield

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All sorts of things can cause a crack in your windshield. Temperature changes, flying debris while you’re driving and more can all cause a crack to appear on your windshield, and if the crack isn’t too serious, it might be tempting to keep driving around with your car as-is rather than hiring an auto glass repair or replacement company. However, it really is best to have your windshield repaired as soon as possible after a crack appears. Read More»

Auto Glass Repair 101 : A Guide For New Customers

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A crack, shatter, or chip can be one of the biggest nuisances you can face as a driver, getting in the way of your clear line of vision as you drive. Getting the windshield repaired is not just a good thing, but will help you stay safer on the roadways. If you have been dealing with a damaged windshield and have made plans to have it repaired, it is likely that you have some questions about the whole ordeal. Read More»

3 Simple Ways To Prevent Your Windshield's Crack From Spreading

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A clean and blemish free windshield plays an important role in driver safety. If your windshield has a small crack, you could have a big problem on your hands. Since smaller cracks often spread and become vision-obstructing monstrosities, it’s important that you replace your windshield as soon as possible after it cracks to preserve the integrity of your car. Here are three simple things you can do to help prevent a small crack from growing larger while you wait for your windshield replacement appointment. Read More»